How To Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e11838

Xbox Error Code 0x87e11838

If you own an Xbox, Error Code 0x87e11838 has probably appeared or may come shortly. Many customers have been encountering this error code recently while attempting to launch games on the Xbox. If you wish to remove this error code from your screen, the methods in this guide will assist you.

What exactly is Xbox One Error Code 0x87e11838?

Xbox Live Error Code 0x87e11838 indicates that Xbox Live is experiencing trouble syncing your game data. This error code is very new to Xbox users, and it is not yet featured in the Xbox error list. Some users commented on the Xbox One Reddit page about this error. There is an official announcement from the Xbox One regarding this newly discovered error code.

How to Repair Xbox One Error Code 0x87e11838

This error code is new to everyone and is not yet on the Xbox error list. As a result, no formal information about this error code is available.
However, we have some suggestions to help you avoid this error code.

  • Examine the Xbox server status.
  • Clear the Xbox One cache.
  • Turn your internet connection on/off.
  • I can wait for the error to go away on its own.
  • Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Support.
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Examine the Xbox server status

Because this error is just transient, it could be caused by an Xbox One server problem. Foremost, you should check the status of Xbox server.
An error can occur due to a server malfunction and sometimes be displayed on your screen. If all services are operational, you can proceed to the second workaround to resolve this issue.

Clear Xbox One Cache to fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e11838

Clearing the cache on your Xbox One device can sometimes resolve numerous difficulties, and it is not harmful. This aids in the quick resolution of game-launching issues. As a result, you should also clear your cache files, a simple process.
Follow the instructions outlined below:

  • Hold the power button of Xbox until it is turned off.
  • Unplug the power cable located on the back of the Xboxone box.
  • Allow 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Now reconnect the cable.
  • Wait until the power brick’s light changes from white to orange.
  • Turn on your Xbox usually.

Turn your internet connection on/off

This strategy found to be beneficial for users. So you may also try this one to resolve this error. Navigate to the Wifi settings and select the Go offline option. Wait 4 to 5 seconds before signing back into your wifi network.

Can wait until the error disappeared automatically

Because Xbox Error Code 0x87e11838 is so new and uncommon, you can wait for it to resolve itself or an official announcement about it.
So it would help if you either waited or contacted the support team for this error code.