8 Ways To Fix Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working

Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working

As cable TVs fade away, the latest streaming devices take their place. One of them is the trendy Amazon Fire TV stick. But what could be worse than the Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working when you’ve just jumped into your couch to watch a movie? Yes, we understand your frustration. And that is why we are here! If you are looking for a rapid and easy cure for your Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working, you’ve come to the right spot.

Here we will know everything about the Firestick Remote and how to troubleshoot it.

A dead battery is a common reason for the Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working. Also, if the Firestick control is not correctly linked with the TV due to interfering devices, it will not work. There could be a blockage between the Firestick and the remote, or the remote could be physically damaged. Don’t be concerned. Whatever the cause of this issue is, we will assist you in identifying it and performing the necessary troubleshooting steps.


How to Repair Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working

Here, we’ve outlined and listed some of the causes of an unresponsive firestick remote and the appropriate troubleshooting techniques.

That’s what it is if you’re seeking some simple repairs that don’t require technical knowledge!

  • Check for and replace the batteries.
  • Attempt to reset your Fire TV controller.
  • Examine the remote for any physical damage.
  • Is the distance between your Firestick control and your TV sufficient?
  • Unpair and repair the remote with the Fire TV stick.
  • Check to see if any other devices are interfering.
  • Is there a compatibility problem?
  • Test out the Fire TV Phone App.

So that there is no confusion, below is an explication of these stages.

1. Check for and replace the batteries

Most of the time, a firestick remote will not work due to a lack of batteries.

  • Because Amazon TV uses Bluetooth instead of infrared technology like other TVs, the batteries drain faster than we believe.
  • Even if you have just changed the batteries, we recommend you recheck them. You can easily remove the batteries and clean them if there are any foreign particles or corrosion. Then put them back in the correct sequence.
  • It is advisable to replace the batteries fully and then try using the remote again.

2. Attempt to Reset Your Fire TV Remote

Many general difficulties, such as transitory glitches, are resolved by resetting.

  • If your remote remains inoperable after replacing the batteries, you must now reset the Fire TV remote.
  • Follow these procedures to reset the remote.
  • Click the home button for a long time. Then, simultaneously, push the menu button three times.
  • After releasing the home button, press the menu button nine times.
  • Remove the batteries and disconnect the television for 60 seconds before replacing them.
  • And now, After the TV turns on and the home screen appears, press and hold the home button for about 40 seconds.
  • Then, wait a minute for the setup to finish.

Please remember that these are typical instructions for resetting a Fire Stick TV remote. After that, you can give it a shot. If it doesn’t work, you can seek the particular steps on the Amazon website based on your generation and remote model.

3. Examine the remote for any physical damage

If the remote is physically damaged, it will not function in any way. Additionally, water damage or breakage of the remote is possible.

  • Examine the remote to determine whether it is in good working order.
  • If your Firestick remote is damaged, following troubleshooting steps will not work, and you should replace it.

4. How close are your Firestick remote and TV?

Because a Firestick TV relies on Bluetooth, the remote might quickly become out of range as you move away from the TV. Having a large living room is standard, and trying to manage your firestick TV from a distance. Try going closer and then commanding your television. If it still doesn’t work, you can try another solution.

5. Unpair and repair the remote with the Fire TV Stick

Remember that, unlike other TV devices that use infrared technology, the Amazon Firestick TV relies on Bluetooth connectivity and will only function if a valid Bluetooth connection is established.

  • To be sure, try unpairing and repairing the Firestick remote to the TV.
  • To Disconnect The Firestick Remote
  • Turn on your Firestick TV usually and configure it.

Click and hold the “back” and “home” buttons for roughly 10 seconds while moving closer to the TV. It will disconnect the Firestick remote from the television.

How to Repair Your Firestick Remote

You can repair the remote after unpairing it by long-pressing the “Home” button for at least 10 seconds.

You must have successfully linked the Firestick control with the TV. If it still does not pair, repeat the procedure. It may take several attempts before properly hooking up.

6. Determine whether any other devices are interfering

When you have microwave ovens, Bluetooth speakers, and other wireless devices near the TV, they may interfere with the operation of your Firestick TV. Interference from other wireless devices has a significant impact on Bluetooth remotes. If you have such gadgets near your TV, you must move them or turn them off and unplug them when using the Firestick TV.

7. Is there a compatibility problem?

Firestick remotes are also notorious for incompatibility. So you should check to see if the remote is compatible with the Firestick.

All of the Fire TV devices are incompatible with one another. Before purchasing, check the remote’s product descriptions and details to guarantee that it will work with your device. Furthermore, cheap clones of the Firestick remote with the same design can be found on the market. Be careful of this and ensure that the seller is genuine.

8. Test the Fire TV Phone App

You can use your phone as a stand-in if nothing else works to repair your Firestick remote.

  1. On the other hand, the physical remote is a necessary instrument that smartphones cannot replace.
  2. Follow these steps to utilize your phone as a remote for your Fire TV set.
  3. Download the Fire TV remote app on your phone. For Android, iOS, and Amazon Kindle, get the app from Google Play, App Store, or Amazon App Store.
  4. After installing the app, login into your Amazon account and choose your device from the list of devices on the app.
  5. Following that, a code is intended to show on the television screen. The code will need to be entered into the app.
  6. And it’s finished! You can now use it as a remote control.


Many circumstances can contribute to a Amazon Firestick Remote Not Working. If you have performed the troubleshooting procedures described above in the post and the remote is still not working, we must advise you to contact Amazon customer service. The issue may be more severe than you believe.

Amazon customer support representatives can assist you with any Fire TV device issue. Even if they do not comprehend and solve your problem, they may allow you to send your gadget to be replaced. I hope you found this helpful post and that your problem has been resolved.

ALSO SEE:Sky Remote 

Toshiba Fire TV Remote 

Samsung TV Remote

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