What is Fatal Error And How Do you Fix It On Windows?

Fatal Error

A fatal error is a kind of error that causes a computer program or the entire operating system to crash. This type of error is frequently associated with the Windows blue screen of death, but less severe fatal exception errors only cause a single program to close.

In some cases, fatal errors are unintentional and temporary, and you can safely continue using the computer without further complications. However, if deadly mistakes continue to occur, especially when using the same program or performing the same task, there may be a problem with the computer’s hardware or software.

How Fatal Mistakes Appear

Fatal error messages typically arise when a program crashes due to a failure, when a Windows computer displays the blue screen of death before shutting down, or when a macOS or Linux computer experiences a kernel panic.

  • When a fatal error occurs, one of the following messages appears:
  • FATAL ERROR: xxx Exception Unhandled at xxx
  • At xxxx:xxxxxxxx, a fatal exception xx occurred.

Fatal error detected; unable to proceed. Due to an uncaught exception, the program is being terminated.

Write down what you see when you see a fatal error message, whether it looks exactly like these examples or not. The typical type of error and the sequence of numbers and letters that are repeatedly added can assist in locating the problem.

What Causes a Fatal Mistake?

When you run a program on a platform like Windows that encounters something unexpected, the program generates a message known as an exception. These anomalies allow programs to run smoothly and typically, even when unexpected events occur. A fatal error occurs when a program is given or generates an unknown or unexpected exception. This issue is also known as a fatal error.

Depending on the severity of the error, you may be allowed to continue operating the program, or it may automatically close.

How to Resolve a Fatal Error

Unexpected interactions between programs, between programs and drivers, between programs and the hardware, and physical faults or defects can all result in fatal errors.

(1) To get to the end of the fatal error, try these fixes.

To find specific instructions, look for the error code. Some fatal errors are fairly straightforward, but most error messages include a code that can assist you in locating specific information about the problem. If the error is as follows:

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At XXXX:xxxxxxxx, a fatal exception 0E occurred.

The 0E code may point you in the right direction. Next, search for the fatal exception error code and see if you can find any specific instructions.  The other code, which usually consists of two sets of numbers separated by a colon, may also be helpful. This code is less likely to produce results, but it’s worth a quick look before moving on.

(2) Software should be updated.

The developers may have released a patch to address the specific issue. Most programs and apps either automatically download and install updates, give you the option to manually download and install updates, or prompt you to go to the developer’s website and download the update.

(3 )Drivers should be updated.

Unexpected interactions between drivers can result in fatal errors and other issues, so it is always a good idea to keep the drivers updated.

If the drivers are updated, roll them back to an earlier version. The old drivers could have been fine, but an automatic update introduced the fatal error. Check if any drivers were updated shortly before the problems began, and then roll those back.

(4) Remove any recently installed programs.

There could be an unanticipated conflict between the schedule, or something could have been corrupted during installation. Check if the fatal exception error occurs after uninstalling the recently installed programs. If not, reinstall the programs. If the problem reappears, file a bug report with the developer.

(5) Restore Windows to a previous state.

If you saved system restore points before the appearance of the fatal errors, restore Windows to one of those points. This step undoes any changes made during that period, resolving the deadly error problem if a hardware malfunction doesn’t cause it.


(6) Turn off any unnecessary background programs.

These programs are not visible in the taskbar, but you can close them manually by opening the task manager. Background programs can usually be left alone. However, there are times when one of these programs will unexpectedly clash with another, resulting in a fatal error.

(7) Don’t turn off programs you are not familiar with.

You can safely close any program you opened, but closing unfamiliar or system-level apps and background processes may cause the operating system to become unstable, necessitating a reboot.

(8) Remove any temporary files.

Temporary files are created while programs are running, but they are not permanently deleted when the program is closed. Removing these files will resolve the issue if corrupt temporary files are causing fatal exception errors.

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Make some room on your hard drive. Check the hard drive for available space and delete old files if necessary. Allow about 10% of the total storage space for smooth operation.

(9) Execute chkdsk.

If a complicated drive problem causes fatal errors, running chkdsk can identify the problem and either fix it or notify you of what’s wrong.

(10) Heat issues should be ruled out.

When your computer overheats, it produces several fatal errors as well as a variety of other symptoms.

Check that the fans are operational and not clogged with dust or debris. Next, check the internal fans and the heat sink if you’re comfortable disassembling the computer. Finally, remove any dust or debris preventing the fans or heat sink from functioning correctly with canned air or a vacuum.

Hold the can of canned air upright to avoid spraying liquid inside the computer. If you are not wearing an adequately configured ground strap, do not touch the components inside the computer. Seek professional assistance if you are uncomfortable poking around inside a computer or laptop.

(11) Check for errors in the random access memory.

Memory errors cause fatal mistakes, but you may also see a memory exception or an out-of-memory exception error. Run a memory test program. Replace the faulty component or components if you discover that the RAM is defective.

(12) Examine the remaining hardware.

If you are experiencing recurring fatal errors and have exhausted all other possibilities, you may have a subtle problem with some of the computer’s hardware. In some cases, replacing components such as the hard drive or motherboard can help to resolve fatal errors.

Because this level of diagnostics is complex, you may need professional assistance.


How do I fix a fatal error when updating my computer?

Close all other programs and any current downloads or updates, and run the Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve a Windows update error. Uninstall and reinstall the app if the error occurs during an app update.

What is meant by “fatal error no language file found”?

If you receive a “no language file found” error message, it may be due to a problem with a startup program. Delete any recently installed programs, run SFC, and, if necessary, perform a System Restore.

What exactly is a “system error code”?

When Windows encounters an error, it displays a number and a message called a system error code. A stop code is an error notice that appears when Windows crashes completely.

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